星期一, 11月 09, 2020
星期一, 10月 19, 2020
星期四, 10月 08, 2020
星期一, 10月 05, 2020
若 有人兮山之阿,被薜荔兮帶女羅。
星期三, 9月 23, 2020
Falling Free
When I move a certain wayI feel an ache I'd kept at bay
A hairline break that's taking hold
A metal that I thought was gold
And pure so sure I'd struck a vein
I wanted you to feel the same
So when you did ignite a spark
Rescue me from all this dark
See our hearts are intertwined
Then I'm free, free of mine
I'm falling free
And see our hearts are intertwined
And then I'm free, I'm free of mine
Deep and pure our hearts align
And then I'm free, I'm free of mine
When I raise a certain wing
And crawl beneath that growing thing
It throws a shadow over time
And keeps yours falling next to mine
Your days were meant to fly and do
I fall and fold mine into you
And what you take is just enough
And what you give is what I love
And when you lift you raise the sail
And then I'm free, free to fail
I'm falling free
Deep and pure our hearts align
And then I'm free, I'm free of mine
When I let lose the need to know
Then we're both free, we're free to go
When I lose a certain claim
That tries to know and needs to blame
Whatever river runs aground
It turns my head and washes down
The face of God that stands above
Pouring over Hope and Love
That all of might, and life, and limb
Could turn around and love again
When I let loose the need to know
Then we're both free, free to go
I'm falling free
I'm falling
I'm falling
I'm falling free
I'm falling
I'm falling
I'm falling free
Deep and pure our hearts align
And then I'm free, I'm free of mine
When I let lose the need to know
Then we're both free, we're free to go
Deep and pure our hearts align
And then I'm free, I'm free of mine
I let loose the need to know
Then we're both free, free to go
星期一, 9月 21, 2020
星期三, 9月 09, 2020
星期一, 9月 07, 2020
星期一, 8月 31, 2020
星期二, 8月 25, 2020
星期三, 8月 19, 2020
星期二, 8月 18, 2020
星期一, 8月 17, 2020
星期四, 8月 13, 2020
星期三, 8月 12, 2020
星期三, 8月 05, 2020
星期二, 8月 04, 2020
星期一, 8月 03, 2020
星期六, 8月 01, 2020
星期三, 7月 29, 2020
星期二, 7月 28, 2020
星期一, 7月 27, 2020
星期四, 7月 23, 2020
星期二, 7月 21, 2020
星期一, 7月 20, 2020
星期四, 7月 16, 2020
星期三, 7月 15, 2020
星期二, 7月 14, 2020
星期一, 7月 13, 2020
星期三, 6月 24, 2020
星期二, 6月 23, 2020
星期三, 5月 27, 2020
星期日, 5月 24, 2020
星期五, 5月 22, 2020
星期二, 5月 12, 2020
星期四, 5月 07, 2020
星期日, 5月 03, 2020
星期三, 4月 29, 2020
星期二, 4月 21, 2020
星期三, 4月 15, 2020
星期一, 4月 13, 2020
星期日, 4月 05, 2020
星期三, 4月 01, 2020
星期二, 3月 31, 2020
星期一, 3月 30, 2020
星期四, 3月 05, 2020
星期二, 2月 25, 2020
星期一, 2月 24, 2020
星期五, 2月 07, 2020
無可否認 佢係一個好努力嘅人 努力嘅原因 可能覺得自己有不足 覺得先天條件唔好 但係只要努力再努力 佢成功過 享受過成功 就以為努力 一定成功 成功 為佢帶嚟咗滿足感 安全感 同埋 人生目標 一個又一個嘅目標 經過一番又一番嘅努力 原來真係可以達到一個又一個嘅成功 到咗今日 佢已經 唔再需要相信努力 因為佢 覺得自己 已經 成功咗 就應該好好享受成功 所帶嚟嘅 權力 地位 尊重 成功係一種個人嘅感受 同人分享成功 當然希望可以喺錦上添花 就算冇人認同 事實證明佢都係成功咗 咁你應該明白佢今日嘅想法
星期一, 2月 03, 2020
星期五, 1月 03, 2020
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